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Governing Body

Our Governing Board is made up of 10 governors representing different groups of people. The Governing Board has three core functions:


  1. To ensure that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the centre are clearly defined.This means that we work with staff to agree what type of a centre we want Greenfields. to be and we make sure that the things that we do are good early years practice based on how very young children learn and develop. Additionally we must make sure that we are carrying out Government and Local Authority initiatives. Feedback from parents and carers also helps us to form the strategic direction for Greenfields.

  2. To ensure that the head of centre performs her responsibilities for the educational performance of the children. This means that we look at the progress and attainment data which the staff collect termly on the children and ask questions to find out if children have made good or outstanding progress, which strategies have been used and what is being done to support the children who are not achieving or passing age related levels.

  3. To ensure the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.
    This means that we agree the annual budget and then monitor expenditure to make sure that public funds are being spent appropriately.


We do not get involved in the day-to-day running of the Centre as this is the responsibility of Mrs. Larkin and her staff, who are professionally trained to do this work.


Individually we do not have any powers; we act as a full governing board unless we have been delegated to do something by the governors and then we are acting on their behalf.


The Governing Board meets as a whole group once every term and our two committees also meet once a term. In addition governors will make visits throughout the year to look at different topics e.g. the building, health and safety etc. and then they report back to the other governors. As chair I visit the centre at least every month.


We have a varied agenda at the full Governing Board meetings; we might hear reports from Mrs. Larkin and other governors, find out what progress has been made on various projects since the last meeting, look at the progress the children have been making, agree holiday and training days and consider how we are going to make new Government and Local Authority plans work at the Centre.


At the Finance, Personnel and Property Committee governors agree how many staff the Centre can afford to employ, they deal with the pay and conditions of staff, set a balanced budget and monitor the budget.


At the Curriculum and Policy Committee they monitor the Centre’s annual improvement plan, agree policies and check that the children are getting an appropriate curriculum.


Non confidential minutes of Governing Board meetings are available at the Centre office if you would like to read them.


If you would like to speak to me or any of the other governors please leave a message at the main office and we will contact you within two working days.


All of the governors give their time and expertise for free and we work with the Head and the staff to make sure that Greenfields continues to be an outstanding centre, which is enjoyed by children, parents and carers and the wider community.


We are all thrilled to be involved in such a vibrant and exciting place, where people are encouraged to flourish in a creative atmosphere, in our wonderful building.


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